All policy documents listed below have been reviewed and ratified at the meeting of the full council. The Chair signs a sheet once reviewed, this sheet is updated and the Parish Clerk will keep the copy on file. From October 2020 once the policies have been reviewed and accepted, they will be in an accessible format.
Click on the name to open in PDF.
If you are downloading the documents on a mobile phone, please be aware that phones differ in the way the documents open.
Our advice is to open the highlighted document in a ‘new tab in the group’, this will then appear in your downloads, and from there you can open the document.
Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy
Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy – Safeguarding
Co-option procedure for new Councillors
Simple Premises Fire Safety Risk Assessment
GDPR – General Data Protection Regulations
Grant Awarding Policy and Application Form combined
Induction pack for new councillors
Procedure in case of accidents
Recruitment and Selection Policy
Review of effectiveness of internal audit
Statement of control policy