Useful Links
We’ve put together a list of links and local resources that people of the Parish might find useful, please see below.
Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me Police
Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me are the local police for area. Find out their active priorities are and what they’ve done for the community by viewing this website.
Alternatively find out the latest news and events information here.
Framwellgate Moor Primary School
Our local Primary School has recently developed a partnership with ourselves on snow clearing in the surrounding area around the school since the Council acquired its new vehicle, and further details can be found on the website.
Framwellgate Moor Nursery
Visit the nursery website here.
Learnyay Adult Courses and Training
Learnyay helps adults find free education courses and training. By connecting them with ESFA and local authority funded colleges, schools and training providers in their area.
Visit the Learnyay website here
Jobcentre Near Me
Find your local JobCentre Plus including address information, opening times and contact details. Jobcentre Near Me makes it easy to find your nearest jobcentre plus offices and information about benefits and support.
Visit website.
Durham Constabulary – follow the links below
Home – FearlessFearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime – 100% anonymously.
Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers ( The information given to crimestoppers is completely anonymous, the reports are checked by two sets of humans to ensure anonymity e.g my neighbour but disclose your address etc. The info is sent on to the local police team so it still gets through to the police to investigate.
Keep In The Know :: Home Keep In The Know is the free messaging service brought to you by Durham Constabulary where you decide when and how you are kept informed about the issues that matter to you.
Durham County Council
Information about the council, business, environment, learning, leisure, community, tourism, travel, and young people. Visit the website.
To report anything to Durham County Council – contact number 03000 261000 of click on the link below
Durham Area Action Partnership (AAP)
This organisation has various grants regimes and full details of allocations during 2012-13 can be found on the website
Alternatively contact the AAP team on 0191 301 8871
Walking In Durham
Hundreds of FREE walks to download, details of all the books, maps and walking groups in the county.
Visit website.
Are We Missing Something Important?
If you have a useful link that you would like to share, don’t hesitate to send it over to us for inclusion on the website.