Online Booking of our Tennis Courts

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Online Booking of our Tennis Courts, Playing Fields, Bowling Green and MUGA

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Framwellgate Moor Parish

The official website of the Framwellgate Moor Parish Council.
The Pavilion, Front Street, Framwellgate Moor, Durham DH1 5BL


Telephone or Email

Richard Ormerod, Parish Clerk:
Tel: 07572 004 256


More Ways To Speak To Us

For more ways to get in touch with your Parish Council.

Click Here


The Pavilion & Bowling Green


The Pavilion building is the Headquarters for the Parish Council and our Greenkeeper, Brian, uses this as his base from which to carry out some of his regular duties, mainly to do with the maintenance of the Bowling Green.

During the Spring and Summer months in particular you will regularly see people utilising the Bowling Green facilities together with a number of regular competitions.

The Parish Clerk also works part-time in the Pavilion.   The Parish council meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm, all welcome.