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Online Booking of our Tennis Courts, Playing Fields, Bowling Green and MUGA

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Framwellgate Moor Parish

The official website of the Framwellgate Moor Parish Council.
The Pavilion, Front Street, Framwellgate Moor, Durham DH1 5BL


Telephone or Email

Parish Clerk:
Tel: 07572 004 256


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For more ways to get in touch with your Parish Council.

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Parish councils, irrespective of their size, have a statutory duty to prepare an annual budget. The budget process:
  • results in the council setting the precept for the following year
  • gives the clerk overall authority to make spending commitments in line with the decisions of the council
  • enables progress monitoring during the year by comparing actual spending against planned spending.

The budget is one of the most important annual tasks that the council must undertake and is required as part of ‘proper practices’ set out in the  Practitioners’ Guide. It is not lawful to set a precept unless a budget has been prepared and approved.

The ‘precept’ is a balancing figure, referred to in legislation in England as ‘the council tax requirement’ after taking into account projected expenditure, other estimated income and any transfers to or from reserve.

A budget proposal is put to the council in November and December  by the clerk as its Responsible Financial Officer to  help councillors decide the precept for the following year. It shows plans for expenditure and also income other than the precept and includes a precept calculation.

A budget monitoring document is presented to the councillors at least quarterly throughout the accounting year so they can assess progress against the planned budget for receipts and payments to date.


Budget 2021 – 2022 approved at 6th January 2021 meeting

Budget 2022 – 2023  approved at 5 January 2022 meeting