Online Booking of our Tennis Courts

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Online Booking of our Tennis Courts, Playing Fields, Bowling Green and MUGA

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Framwellgate Moor Parish

The official website of the Framwellgate Moor Parish Council.
The Pavilion, Front Street, Framwellgate Moor, Durham DH1 5BL


Telephone or Email

Parish Clerk:
Tel: 07572 004 256


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Bookings Terms and Conditions.

It is understood that you have agreed these terms and conditions when you make a booking via our website. 

Rules for use of Bowling Green under Covid 19 restrictions

– Players to arrive no earlier than 10 mins before start time
– No change facilities will be available so arrive in bowling attire and change footwear at car
– Only 4 people allowed on each lane
– Maximum of 3 lanes booked at anyone time to accommodate social distancing
– No visitors, guests or spectators allowed
– Only social bowling is permitted, no competitions
– Players must check in with green keeper on arrival
– No access will be available to the pavilion building or lockers
– All bowling equipment should be removed after each session until further notice
– Toilets – the accessible toilet will be available, this can be accessed from outside the building
– The green will be open from 9am until 3pm Monday to Friday only

Booking a game
– Members are requested not to turn up unless they have booked a game
– Games should be booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance
– Access to the green can only be made via a booking system on the website at
– There is a £40 per annum charge, or a one-off booking of £5 per session either AM or PM

On the Green
– Players must not pick up any other player’s equipment
– Mats and jacks will be provided by the green keeper and will be sanitised between each session
– Social distancing must be adhered to at all times. If you fail to follow these guidelines you will be asked to leave.
– Bring your own hand sanitiser

Rules for use of Tennis Courts under Covid 19 restrictions

The tennis courts will be open for singles, for doubles only if partners are members of the same household, or within your social bubble.

The courts will be open from 9am until 3pm Monday to Friday only for the time being. We will be introducing an online booking system which will allow you to enter the tennis courts via an automatic gate. The times will alter when this system is put in place. We are hoping this will be within the next 2 months.

One-to-one tennis coaching, as well as a game of singles with someone from outside your household, will be permitted.
Bring your own equipment – the minimum necessary – and only touch your own tennis balls.

Initial your own tennis balls, so you know which ones to serve with, and return ones which aren’t yours with either your racquet or foot. Players do not change ends – or, at the very least, do so at opposite ends of the net.

Bring a full water bottle and some hand sanitiser to the court with you.

Do not try to adjust the net. We will keep the nets at the appropriate height, and we will take the net winders away.

Court gates may be left open. The Green keeper will open the main gate and allow you entry, but will be closed once you have entered, this is to make sure no other people can access the grounds. Session times will be 50 minutes as to avoid unnecessary contact at the changeover.

Toilets – the accessible toilet will be available; this can be accessed from outside the building. This is only available if the Pavilion building is open.

You need to give us 24 hours notice in advance via the website ( using the online booking system.

The cost from 1 July 2020 will be £8.00 per hour. In accordance with the Lawn Tennis Association guidelines, we will be looking at different pricing structures in due course.
Social distancing must be adhered to at all times. If you fail to follow these guidelines you will be asked to leave.

Framwellgate Moor Parish Council